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Modeling, Design and Expert Analysis of Fluidized Bed Systems
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Ergun CFB Software

CFB Simulator

This module is the heart of the software. The simulation of the entire CFB system is always the goal of the design study or modeling project. However, even if this module is presented first on this WEB site, the global simulation of a CFB needs some basic knowledge of the system. This knowledge can be acquired during a "step-by-step" study of diverse items composing the system (i.e., grid, flow pattern, cyclone, etc.).

The CFB Simulator module combines all the following items :

  • Grid verifications
  • Flow pattern calculation
  • SCR (Solid Circulating Rate) estimation
  • Cyclone performance and emission
  • Population balance and size distributions
  • Discharge estimation
  • Pressure balance check
  • Heat transfer coeffient calculation
  • Trial and error algorith for Convergence

The figure beside shows the main CFB design window. A number of options are available directly on the work sheet (the choice of flow model, the discharge evaluation, population balance, etc.).

The results are displayed by clicking on the green or red balls on the CFB scheme (local and sharp information), or by consulting a text file where all the results are assembled with the "Virtual Expert's" comments (figures beside).

The new version CFB1.3 provides the possibility of choosing between two main configurations:

  1. CFB with solid feed and siphon loop-seal
  2. Batch CFB (no solid feed) with L-valve

Secondary and tertiary air (gas) injections are also among available options.

Please note that the CFB system does not include any "External Dense Bed" or "External Heat Exchanger". The modeling of the "External Dense Bed" can be done by ERGUN BFB package.



Ergun Design Technology


CFB Simulator "Main Window". Data windows Size distribution windows



Results are presented in a number of diagrams and simple text files

Batch CFB configuration equipped with a "L-valve" as presented in Ergun CFB1.3


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