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Modeling, Design and Expert Analysis of Fluidized Bed Systems  
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Zinc Roasting Extension


Zinc Roasting Process is one of the interesting examples of ERGUN program applications. Actually this extension is available under Ergun environment.The current data can be directly modified on a process diagram (user's shortcut data). A complete data file is also available and can be modified for detailed modeling and studies.

The results are partly presented in small text boxes hidden behind the red buttons (simple click). An "Expert" data analysis report is automatically generated and is available as a simple text file that can be copied and pasted to any other Microsoft Windows © application (Word, Excel, etc.).

Major parameters calculated by the program are :

  1. Solid conversion rate
  2. Gas composition at bed exit
  3. Total vapour production
  4. Detailed "drum" and "boiler" heats
  5. Gas and solid flowrates
  6. Cyclone efficiency and emission
  7. Detailed oxides composition

The program has been successfully applied to some Zinc Sluphide Roasting Processes for expert analysis and study. The comparison between results provided by the program and the data from the process lets to define the best operating conditions and to maximize the production.

  Other facilities :

Online continous help

Online notation and units

Online "Scientific References"

Online "Scientific Manual" and "Hints"

"Copy and Paste" diagrams

Automatic "Data Trnsfer" functionality

"Import Data" from the Database


Ergun Fluidization Technology

Zinc Process

The Zinc Sulphide Roasting Process Simulator under Ergun Environment (needs Ergun BFB pack to be installed).


Close-up of the "Fluid Bed Reactor" with diverse "Rapid Input" parameters including "Air Leakage", "Spray Water" and "O² Injection".


The set of reactions as taken into account by the simulator.

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